
Running With Scissors

Disclaimer: own naught. Oc’s, ours.

This is the story of a few of our OC’s! in Naruverse. They are part of the InterNational Peace Effort, or INPE.

Edit note: since this is getting lots of attention on Burokun's account (omgwtf i WROTE IT *indidgnant) i thought i'd post it.


Running with Scissors

Chapter 1: WTF City

“What is it with all this dust?”

A female scream echoed across the gigantic, empty field. It was completely still except for the plumes of fine dust that rose wherever the four stepped. This was not a good place to be a ninja.

Or thirsty, for that matter.

The little group was tired, hungry, thirsty, and the majority of them were pissed off. The only one who wasn’t complaining was a little girl, who appeared to be very interested in the wind. She stuck up both arms together, then pulled them apart to rest at her sides, leaving a delicate sheet of glass suspended in the air. She closed her eyes, holding the glass whorl gently, and walking forward. If you were to look very closely, she was frowning slightly in concentration.

All of a sudden, her eyes snapped open.


Her friends turned to look at her quizzically.

The boy, apparently the leader of the group, sighed dramatically, and rested his hand on his hip, tipping his head back slightly. He regarded her through slitted eyes. What’s she thinking? I wish I could tell… He grinned, suddenly quite sure of what was going to come out of her mouth next. From various places on his body, he picked two scrolls, one with an image of a snail, the other with a picture of a kunai, obviously for summoning. He hefted them in his hands, feeling their comforting weight, and stood still, grinning cockily, still throwing the scrolls up and catching them on their way down, obviously a nervous occupation.

The tall, stocky woman who had been plodding along at the front of the group looked at her, and sighed. What was it now? She sighed, sure they would have to wait even longer this time until the girl spoke. Taking her long ponytail in her hand, she began to fiddle with it nervously, glancing over at the boy to gauge his reaction. He always seemed to know what the younger girl was going to say; that is, if he was paying any attention at all.

Member number four, currently wearing a huge, light white cloak, was sniffing the ground like a dog; she seemed to fade, and the cloth fluttered down to fall and drape over the large dog that had appeared there, snuffling at the ground. She wasn’t paying any attention to the silent conversation. As usual. The tallest of the three females grunted boredly, and twitched her left middle finger and thumb. With a sweeping step, the cloaked girl straightened up and padded over to join the group. She cocked her head to the side, awaiting instructions from her puppet-master.

The fragile-seeming girl drew a stream of glass from the huge metal haz-mat barrel strapped to her back. The glass slipped lazily and pointed towards the south, the direction they were facing. “They’re coming….” She yawned openly. “I’m already bored…”


Okay, I know you want to know who they are, so I’ll tell you next chapter! The OC’s belong to moi, nate-squid-kun, and ino-brooke-chan, respectively. Names next time!

However! We own nothing but the ideas. Okay? Go find someone else to sue.

But… as a special challenge:

I’m going to give you how to spell their names!



Format: First name, Family name.

Leader: 行き  発見

Glass: 流星  昏睡

Strong woman: 家江折 山中

Cloak w/ short attention span: 風神 七砂羽

Techincal detail: these, put together, spell their names. In hiragana.

They do NOT mean their names. That would be like calling someone ‘flower bird face’ instead of ‘Bob’.

Good luck!

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